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Drug Scouts:
Demmeringstr. 32, 04177 Leipzig

Di: 09 - 15 Uhr / Do: 13 - 18 Uhr


Ich kann nur folgendes dazu sagen, das ist das Gedicht, welches ich einen Tag nach meinem ersten Trip geschrieben habe. Bananatime When I try to get a normal thinking a general aspect, i saw everyday an overview of the incidents replace the pictures i got in flush gaudy examples of everything no plain areas gaudy examples of music no plastic gaudy examples of living but death You can see what you can"t see elder you"ll be Anything around place just dance banal moments are fascinating watching your wall and feel your life washing your hands and melt in water feel you can"t feel feel you can"t explane in a way you do what you do in another way you don"t in a way you are what you are in another way you are flowning the body - wet or dry? your way - left or right? across? - right? feel what you normally taste taste what you normally smell smell what you normally see see what you normally hear hear what you normally are What I"m trying to say is - what a feelin!


  • LSD



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