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Drug Scouts:
Demmeringstr. 32, 04177 Leipzig

Di: 09 - 15 Uhr / Do: 13 - 18 Uhr

my life and meth

Just taklking about meth! Habe die letzten 13 Jahre in Phoenix Arizona gelebt und habe davon 6 jahre meth geraucht! Bin jetzt wieder in Berlin wo ich auf aufgewachsen bin,damls sowieso immer Feiern gewesen, techno so wie Planet, tresor, Bunker. Omen mitn Sven grins naja irgentwie bin ich halt in den USA gelandet und meth became a big part of my life ......... immer noch obwohl ich schon ueber n Jahr kein crystal rauchte nur manchmal pepp gezogen habe still after all the time its all i can think about and even so it is so bad, and i know i believe it is the strongest Drug in the world and fucks people up. many friends of my are in Prison now for making it and we takling like 15 to 25 years! all in all and believe me it fucks with my head too and im so sure it kills and turns people evil, not me. lol. guess i have some big balls but if u never done it than do not fucking do it, it will change everthing and all in your life! smoke weet nothing wrong with that ......... so that was just a lil peace out of my tweak seeking mind, take care u all _________________ from alias Tk


  • Crystal [Methamphetamin]



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